What is solo aging and why is it important?
Solo Agers are older adults that are making decisions about their future independently. You might be a solo ager if you are…
An individual or couple without children
An individual who never married or had children
An individual living alone since the divorce or death of a partner
An individual or couple whose children or relatives live far away or are estranged
It is important to understand solo aging because many older adults fall into this category, and many more will become solo agers in the future. Solo aging can be full of joys and assets, but early planning is crucial to maintain choice, independence, and satisfaction throughout later life. This means planning so that your home, finances, medical team, and social community are set up for aging well.
The goal of our Solo Aging Program is to provide peace of mind so you know you do not have to go it alone! Through continued growth and autonomy, you have the security of knowing we are here when needed. At dotcares, we know not everyone has family support.
We will assess and design a care plan which offers support to navigate the years ahead.
A professional care manager will be assigned to you. They will meet with you and familiarize themselves with your situation and you have the opportunity to voice your concerns and wishes for future care.
We will do Bimonthly check-ins by phone to update our records and check for any changes.
Every six months, your care manager will do an in home visit.
Your care manager will be available to provide support you need whether it be a medical appointment, travel assistance, resources, or simply to address concerns as they arise.
We will be available to advocate and communicate with your team in regard to everything that effects your well being.
We will be a phone call away to support you when making life changing decisions as your situation dictates.