Elder Care Services
Eldercare is a term for a wide range of services. At dotcares, we understand assistance is necessary to improve quality of life for older adults while respecting their need for autonomy. We strive to provide peace of mind for family members who worry about the well-being of their loved ones. The support we provide in this arena will ease the transition between advanced life stages.
Types of elder care services we provide
We at dotcares work with our clients and their families to understand their goals and desires as they age. Together with other professionals, we collaborate to establish plans respecting their wishes as they age.
Referrals are made to the appropriate professionals for medical, legal, and financial health. We are care coordinators:
With our clients medical team to gain a thorough understanding of present conditions and treatment plans including discussion of advance directives and MOLST when appropriate.
With attorneys to review legal paperwork and create new documents as needed including assessment for Medicaid planning. Referrals to appropriate people to complete Medicaid application and pooled trusts when needed.
With Financial Planners and Daily Money Mangers to create solutions based on available resources and budgeting to be considered in short- and long-term planning.